The season is wrapping up!
Don’t delay. Get your games in now!
As the Bocce League regular season winds down, here’s some info you may find useful.
We’ve added some additional Sunday hours to our bocce schedule. Sunday, August 4 and Sunday, August 11 you can play from 12-4 in addition to the normal 4 – 10pm hours. Sign up here.
If you are interested in playing at non-posted times, please communicate with Mark directly so he can coordinate. Contact him at
Unfortunately, there is no court side service during off hours and Sundays before 4pm.
Please check your scores and games played for accuracy. We want to make sure that everything is correct and up to date. The new scores will be posted early this coming week.
It is very important for you to get your games in and complete your matches so that the post season can be determined appropriately.
Important dates:
Last day of play Saturday 8/17
Playoffs run Sunday 8/18 through Friday 8/23
Tournament and end of season celebration – Sunday 8/25.
Play begins at 9:00am.
Playoff Format:
The top 3 teams in each flight make the playoffs.
The 2nd & 3rd place teams play during playoff week, and the winner of each flight moves on to play in the final Sunday play.
Questions? Call or email Mark.